Many people on the island of Lombok do not know the existence of Wali Soker’s grave. This grave is behind the fence of the Mandalika Circuit in Kuta Village, Pujut District, Central Lombok.
Wali Soker’s tomb is in a small building surrounded by a number of other old tombs which are followers. This one character is known to have the power to turn sand into rice.
“Only a few people in Awang Village and Sengkol Village know the history of Wali Soker,” said the caretaker of the grave, Amaq Awan, to (26/11).
He said that the grave had wanted to be moved for the sake of developing the Mandalika Circuit area, but the developer, in this case PT. ITDC canceled after reading the contents on a white sheet of paper about the history of this one wali’s.
“They wanted to move it because they thought this grave was like a common grave,” he said.
He explained, in the sheet held by Amaq Awan it was told that the figure of Wali Soker was one of those who sailed with 333 waliyullah from the Demak Region, Central Java Province.
The group was led by a figure with the title of King Pemban Aji Saka, their arrival was aimed at spreading Islam in Pujut, which at that time was inhabited by a majority Buddhist community under Majapahit rule.
In its history, there were 200 people returning to the land of Java while 133 other people remained in Lombok to continue spreading Islam. through a Demung or regional head who was given the title Kiyai Srijati because as the first Pujut person to voluntarily convert to Islam, King Pemban Aji Saka founded a settlement called Rembitan and after that headed north and built the first mosque on pujut mountain.
Meanwhile, the name of Pujut was created because it was the first time could be used to prostrate during Friday prayers, with the number of roof supports of 44 pieces wood which is a symbol of the requirement for the large number of worshipers to be able to build a mosque.
Besides that, King Pemban Aji Saka or by another name Prince Sagapati who was allegedly Wali Soker. there is some advice given by Wali Soker to Kiyai Sri Jati which is written in the paper, namely to always maintain customs in governing the Pujut area.
Besides that, if anyone is negligent or violates customary provisions, he will experience harm, bad luck, misery or poverty.
In addition, Hajj. Yaqum, a traditional leader from Lambeng Hamlet, Sengkol Village, explained that the history of Wali Soker is more or less the same as what was written on the sheet held by Amaq Awan.
He emphasized that the real leader of the group was Wali Samud. according to him, Wali Soker could be a descendant of a group of guardians who lived in Lombok to spread Islam at that time.
“From the descendants of the waliyats they spread, some were in Soker, Mando, some were named Mas Mirah,” he said.
“So Soker is just an illustration, the name of the village is called Soker, but the original name (wali Soker) is unknown,” he continued.
He said that many did not know historical records and stories about Wali Soker, besides that according to him there were many versions of stories related to this figure among previous parents.
asked about several sentences that mention the year alif in several events such as the construction of the Pujut Mosque, this one character answered that it refers to the naming of the Javanese year.
According to him, the traces of Wali Soker and other figures at that time in the construction of the Pujut Mosque were counted around 1008 Hijriah or if calculated using the Christian calendar around 1599 ago. this refers to the philosophy of placing coins at that time as many as 1000 coins tied in a circle and covered with a container which symbolizes the number eight in Arabic.
Yaqum said, it is hoped that the existence of the tomb can be cared for and managed by the regional government and the community as religious tourism.(nis)