Ministry Has Not Issued Permit for Environmental Impact Analysis for Rinjani Cable Car

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LOMBOK – The cable car construction project to Mount Rinjani Tourism Park has not yet obtained an Environmental Impact Analysis permit. This has caused the Chinese investor to wait for an Environmental Impact Analysis permit issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Head of One Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing Service for West Nusa Tenggara Province, H Muhammad Rum, emphasized that the construction of the cable car will be carried out until 2025.
“So Alhamdulillah we have a ceremonial ground breakingGod willing, they will complete the project by 2025 because currently investors are still waiting for an Environmental Impact Analysis,” he said, Tuesday (3/1).

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Rum emphasized, the company that built this Lombok Resort Indonesian Limited Liability Company will work after the Environmental Impact Analysis has been released, now it cannot work.
“They will continue this Environmental Impact Analysis issue after Chinese New Year,” he said.

It is known, the construction of this cable car started from Karang Sidemen Village, Central Lombok Regency. Of the 500 hectares that are allowed to be used only 10 percent or 50 hectares, the rest will be reforested.
“With the cable car, community’s economy will increase,” he said.
Rum added, the location for the development was chosen outside the Mount Rinjani Tourism Park area, because the environment in the tourist park should not have development. but the distance to the Blue Lake of Mount Rinjani is not too far.

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“The length of Rinjani Cable Car is around 10 kilometers – 15 kilometers,” he said.

Rum also claims that the cable car construction plan has received a positive response from the village government in area where the construction is located.
So according to him, there is no problem with permits for construction of Rinjani cable car from the village because, status of the forest to be used has become a community park forest area.(rif/s)

Tentang Penulis: Redaksi Koranlombok

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