The implementation of restrictions on community activities is lifted, the pandemic status is still vali

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LOMBOK – The Covid-19 Task Force for West Nusa Tenggara Province, doctor Nurhandini Eka Dwi said, even though the Policy on Imposing Restrictions on Community Activities has been revoked by President of Republic Indonesia Joko Widodo, the pandemic status is still valid. this was implemented because WHO as the world authority has the right to declare a pandemic revoked.

“Removal of restrictions on the movement of community activities does not mean lifting the pandemic,” said Eka after holding a meeting with the center, Monday (2/1).

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Doctor Eka, who is also Assistant II Regional Secretariat of West Nusa Tenggara, explained that even though the Restrictions on the Movement of Community Activities are lifted, wearing masks and implementing health protocols must still be carried out.
“So there are obligations that still have to be carried out by the regional government,” he said.

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In addition to implementing the health program, the Covid-19 Task Force in the regions is still being established because it is needed until the pandemic status is lifted by WHO.
The Covid-19 task force was extended until the pandemic ended, this was based on Minister of Home Affairs Regulation number 53 of 2022. Eka explained, during this transitional period, government will still handle the funding for handling Covid-19 patients.
“Including vaccination activities continue to be carried out to maintain the community’s immunity,” he said.

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Eka explained that in 2023 there will be no additional Covid-19 status in West Nusa Tenggara and hopes that there will be no further additions. (rif/s)

Tentang Penulis: Redaksi Koranlombok

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