Construction of the Cable Car to Rinjani Completed in 2025

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SPECIAL PHOTO OF KORANLOMBOK.ID This is a picture of the development after the Rinjani Cable Car was built.

LOMBOK – Plans to build a cable car to Mount Rinjani in Lombok will soon be realized. The ground breaking will take place, Sunday (19/12) tomorrow. Construction is targeted to be completed in 2025. after it will be followed by other developers, so that West Nusa Tenggara can become a complete world tourism area.

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“God willing, the construction of this cable car will enable our natural beauty to be involved from above for those who are not strong enough to climb,” wrote the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara, H. Zulkifliemansyah on his social media account, 15 hours ago.

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Mentioned by this Social Welfare Party politician, for every new thing there are of course small ripples. However, it is certain that the governor will minimize environmental damage to the cable car construction project.

“Thankfully, it doesn’t interfere at all and can even be repaired,” he said.
As for porters, the governor ensured that livelihoods would not be disrupted. In the future porters will be given new training and skills to be compatible with the new environment.
“This is a big and long-term investment,” he explained. (s)

Tentang Penulis: Redaksi Koranlombok

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